Greatest RPG Fans Forum

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Greatest RPG Fans Forum FAQ
"What is an inbox?"
Inbox is a personal messaging system. You can send and receive private messages to/from other forum users without requiring email or ICQ. You must be a registered user in order to use this feature. To read your inbox messages, click on the "Inbox" icon in the Lobby's menu. To send someone a private message, just click on the Inbox icon in the messages.
  1. What is a lobby?
  2. What is a conference?
  3. What is a forum?
  4. What is a thread/topic?
  5. What is a subscription?
  6. What is an inbox?
  7. What is a bookmark?
  8. Why are there so many different types of forums?
  9. When I post a message in one forum, it posts ok. But in another forum, it won't post. Why?
  10. How do I register?
  11. How can I keep track of new messages?
  12. I want to use the private forums. How do I do that?
  13. How do I use HTML tags?
  14. How do I post images?
  15. How do I use HTML links?
  16. How do I use those smiley icons?
  17. Why do some file icons display flame?
  18. Why do some forums show icon when others show ?
  19. Why do some topics show icon when others show ?
  20. Why do some topics have [view all] next to the subject?
  21. What are those little icons next to the usernames in the messages?
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