Wiz7Item© - An Item Viewer for Wizardry® 7 items

Well, beta testing is over (as of 7/31/99). I will be working on this (Freeware) product (hopfully) for the next month or two. In the mean time feel free to ask questions, provide comments, inquire, whatever .... After this product is released, if there seems to be enough interest, I may possibly consider turning it into a (Shareware) Item Editor. Boy, if that doesn't sound wishy-washy, I don't know what does :)

Download the beta version (approx. 3.1 MB)

View Beta Test Results

Here are some links to a few screen shots, to give you an idea of what it looks like and what you can do with it:

Cane of Corpus

Pandora' s Wand

Plate Mail +3

Stats on the Thermal Pineapple

Searching for the best Hand protection for a Rawulf Valkyrie

Comparing Close range weapons that an Elf Monk may use to those of a Faerie Ninja

Viewing all Close range weapons that both an Elf Monk and Faerie Ninja could use


And here is a little inside information on what is currently being tested, implemented and planned for its future:

Things I will be adding
    Gracefully pull the plug
    Printer Support
    More filter options

Things I may add
    Display the "Usage" of items
    Filter By Item Name
    Display Item Picture
    Allow sorting on any field
    Develop Weapons vs. Armor and Item "Views"
    Set the window size for subsequent windows

Comments and suggestions

Here is a list of things I am planning to add to the application, but haven’t got around to yet:


Here is a list of things I am considering adding to the application:

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me, using any of the links below:

Wiz7Item in General
Gracefully pull the plug
Printer Support
More filter options
Display the "Usage" of items
Filter By Item Name
Display Item Picture
Allow sorting on any field
Develop Weapons vs. Armor and Item "Views"
Set the window size for subsequent windows
Wiz7Item - other stuff